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360º Situational Awareness

Microspeaker Technology

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Ear Fatigue

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N-ear: 360 Flexo Dynamic™ Radio Earpiece W. Tactical In-Line Mic.


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N-ear's new tactical Inline Mic bridges the gap between versatility and performance. It plugs into your existing 3.5mm PTT or speaker mic, offering the same comfort and reliability as other N-ear 360 models, but with a built-in microphone. You can use it as a standalone earpiece or with your current setup.

Compare – Dynamic
Earpiece Length Chart
    N-ear: 360 Flexo Dynamic™ Radio Earpiece W. Tactical In-Line Mic.
    N-ear: 360 Flexo Dynamic™ Radio Earpiece W. Tactical In-Line Mic.
    N-ear: 360 Flexo Dynamic™ Radio Earpiece W. Tactical In-Line Mic.
    N-ear: 360 Flexo Dynamic™ Radio Earpiece W. Tactical In-Line Mic.
    N-ear: 360 Flexo Dynamic™ Radio Earpiece W. Tactical In-Line Mic.


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